There are a number of signs to look out for if you suspect a young person is being sexually or criminally exploited.
Receiving unexplained gifts/items (keep a note of these including times and dates)
Poor attendance at school/NEET
Concerns of phone use in placement or at school
Bullying others
Going missing and returning home late
Methods of transport used, including being picked up by unknown vehicles/unknown adults, use of taxies alone and use at odd hours, visiting unknown areas both in and out of area where the young person resides
Signs of drug-related debts or drug taking equipment
Sexual health issues
Returning home with injuries (keep a note of when this happens)
Attending A&E
Change in presentation, emotional and becoming moody, presenting as unkempt, or out of character dressed up, having new expensive clothing such as expensive trainers
Emotional dysregulation, do they appear angry/withdrawn/upset/stressed?
Increased conflict
Having additional phones in their possession
Have any concerning conversations been overheard on the phone?
Concerns raised by friends, neighbours or the local community
Possessing weapons
Speaking to others online who are unknown to them and arranging to meet them
Expressions around invincibility or not caring about what happens – ‘others have their back’
Being secretive about their phone use or having increased contact with others online
Getting arrested for crimes
Change in mood / appearance / behaviour
Becoming withdrawn from social networks and not mixing with their usual friends
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